COVID-19: La malattia causata dal nuovo coronavirus (2019-nCoV) ha dato un nuovo nome dall'OMS

The disease caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been given new name COVID-19 by the international body WHO which makes no reference to any of the people, places or animals associated with this virus.

La malattia causata dal mortale romanzo coronavirus che finora ha mietuto migliaia di vittime ha ricevuto un nuovo nome COVID-19

La sigla COVID-19 sta per Corona virus Malattia 2019, as this highly infectious malattia was first diagnosed last year.

Under international guidelines, the W.H.O. “has to find a name that does not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the malattia, "

In keeping with this policy to avoid stigmatising, WHO chose the new name COVID-19 which makes no reference to any of the people, places or animals associated with this virus.


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